# Release Notes ## * Noisy Student Training reintroduced. * Robust but slower settings for optimizer policy. * Unsupervised pretraining supports larger model sizes. * Distillation API. * Removed warmup due to overfitting bug, will slow down training speeds but not affect final accuracy. * Documentation for graphical front end, ensembling, and distillation. ## 0.3.5 * Revised API for autofit and advanced "core" api. * find_optimizer_policy searches for optimal policy for optimizer settings. * find_batch_size searches for largest batch size that fits in memory to speedup training. * General API for data and model specifications. * Unsupervised pretraining in the advanced API. * Added reflection on spatial transformations. ## 0.3.4 * Added quickstart tutorial documentation. * Separated console output from logging to disk. * Support for several data formats. * Anchor box conversion for Fizyr Keras Retinanet model. * Localization/detection support for spatial transforms. * Protobuf logging on intermediate search phases. * Layerization of losses with serialization. * Native support for loss_weights. * Native support for multiple losses. (codename victor) ## 0.3.3 * Mixup transformation. * Eliminated all showstopper bugs from previous release. * Careful control of LR during metalearning algorithm. (codename uniform) ## 0.3.2 * Cutmix transformation. * Removed epochs and lr callbacks, now user responsibility. * Eliminated some showstopper bugs from previous version. Known Issues: * Unstable release, do not use. (codename tango) ## 0.3.1 * Added saving and loading of policies. * Noisy Student Training functionality. Known Issues: * Unstable release, do not use. (codename sierra) ## 0.3 * Layerization of transforms for high speed augmentation. * Groundup implementation of transforms. * Distance analysis to cluster transforms. * Metalearner is now beam search. (codename bravo) ## 0.2.1 * Multiple bug fixes and performance improvements * Adds supports for TPU training in GCP using Tensorflow 1.15 * Package name has been renamed masterful from masterful_lite * Corresponding API's now reside under masterful.api rather than masterful.api.lite (fka 0.1.5) ## 0.2 * Support for multiple instance segmentation masks and bounding boxes has been added. Breaking Changes: * This add an API breaking change in the way that labels and masks are packed. See the updated documentation for details. (fka 0.1.2) ## 0.1 * Episilon greedy based meta learning algorithm. Known Issues: * Slow as it requires frequent shuffling between CPU and GPU via py_function.